Our goal is to provide information about territory, related to disaster risk and the physico-chemical properties of the area.
With Allerty.io you can obtain geotiffs that contain the most important geographical and anthropic measures, for a selected area of the Italian region, with a resolution of 10m X 10m.
Allerty Developers is an API service of
geotiffs related to Italian territory.
The main providers of maps and open data are ISTAT, Copernicus, INGV,
OpenStreetMap, ESA, SoilGrid, Facebook Data for Good.
Allerty developers allows to:
select and request aggregated open-source information (altitude, type of terrain, exposure, etc.).
request derived information, like NDVI, Monthly Fire Risk, Flood Hazard, Daily Exposure, Rains and others.
request catastrophic events collected from the web.